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Tip a disabled vet? My life is tough gambling makes it liveable. Tip


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Any awesome ppl to help a friend of all. Disabled vet needs some help with start up funds. Gambling keeps Me alive and gives me a rush. Right now I'm bust and need a boost. Friend for life to all that send. And when I win a friend will help with your own day. 

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How offensive can one be?

  This post reflects on the entire disabled veteran community, a community that in reality your not or ever were apart of. Shame on you, how dare you use military service in such a way! Beginning for money for gambling is absolutely disgusting. So much so, that I fully question that you ever served at all, and definitely didn’t become disabled in connection to service. How have you completely flushed away your core values? Doesn’t matter which branch, you claim to have served, Integrity & Honor our absolutely universal throughout. There’s nothing honorable about this post or it’s author..


MSgt(Ret). Combat W.W./AFW2/A4L

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